Offered here is a. VERY NICE, NEVER SEEN ANOTHER. Real photo boxing postcard of. JACK “ONE ROUND” HOGAN. Name: One Round Hogan Alias: Jack Hogan Birth Name: George F. Hogan Born: 1889-00-00 Died: 1959-00-00 (Age:70) Hometown: San Francisco, California, USA. Fought: 1909 – 1926. One Round Hogan, also known as “Jack Hogan, ” was a popular San Francisco area lightweight boxer during the city’s four-round era of the early 1910s. At this time San Francisco preferred four-rounders, as opposed to the ten-rounders staged in the Los Angeles area. This is to be distinguished from California’s state-wide Four-Round Era that started in late 1914. He also had some success on the East Coast and even “won the hearts” of British fans. He was credited with scoring 18 consecutive first round knockouts for a number of years. However, this was never confirmed, and Young Otto became the official record holder for most consecutive first-round knockouts until that record was broken in 2006 by Edwin Valero. Hogan was later a referee in California. WE TRADE MEMORABILIA FOR BASEBALL AND FOOTBALL CARDS. Champions of the Ring.