Small-format photographs affixed to card stock, popular in the mid-19th century. They went out of fashion in the 1870s. The photographs were typically portraits and the image was a standard size of 3 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches; they were generally produced by a multiple-lens camera that created several images on a single full-sized negative plate. Examples are card photographs patented by the Parisian photographer André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri in 1854 and similar items produced by Mathew B. Brady and other photographers. If you are in the market for Vintage CDV Photograph, you will not be disappointed. This is quite nice and would certainly make a fine addition to any collection. Morse, George Daniels, 1835. Is the owner of Morse’s Palace of Art (Photographers). CIRCA: Late 1800’s. 2 ½” x 4″.